When Death Became a Lover!


Death doesn’t hide these days in the shadows,

he stays among us, becoming one in many faces,

it had stayed here for long,

neither the kings nor their kingdoms could escape,

it slowly touched and turned into ashes,

the walls of the great kings and queens,

but none have ever left, death keeps them bringing to us,

like a history that wants itself to be repeated,

and what if one day its heart will fall for a woman?

It’s true that gods and demons have fallen for mortal women,

time and again a woman can make wars, a woman had made history

change time’s course, vulnerable, fragile, her heart full of love.

And one day a woman took away Death’s heart,

like a lover, like a man it wanted to make love to her,

night after night, it wanted to hold her youthful face,

into his sinuous palms, and kiss her supple lips with,

his tied ones, that had never uttered words of compassion,

or sighs, but how she made him follow her everywhere!

Into the shadows he hid in the nights, watching silently,

her sleeping body from the dark, he kept brooding around her,

dying to make love, but he was Death, he could not touch life,

she sensed its presence for long; she saw him standing,

strong, tall, and dark all covered in black, his heavy robe flowing,

touched whatever, all turned to ashes, so he hid away from her,

his ugliness he couldn’t show, but for first that woman stood,

in her skin allowing him to touch her soul and make love,

Death became the biggest lover that night, for the first in thousandth of years,

he threw away all cursed garments of his, held her into his lap,

they made love; she was not dying in his arms to his surprise!

he fell more for her as much he touched her bare anatomy,

she didn’t turn to ashes, nor did she fade away into an old woman,

Death couldn’t fathom, but he cared less, loved her more,

nights were his, he was becoming a man who had a woman by his side.

The gods granted him a gift, but this time it came with a price,

for he will have to die like any mortal, Death agreed as long,

she was his side, Death had tasted love for first, but now couldn’t,

sleep for the souls that he had ripped, he heard the curses at nights,

of their loved ones and hatred towards him, he closed his ears in pain,

tears incessant he had gained, the only balm to his torn heart was,

the woman he had loved, she gently lulled him to sleep every night,

alas! Death had to part away as love made him a man, and he couldn’t,

escape death too, he again roams over this earth and into many universes,

with a heart full of love now, he had tasted desires and became the greatest lovers,

of all time, and one day again it will fall in love with a woman,

into another time and make love to her, Death walks among us like a man,

sits with us, dine with us and cares for he had known love!

Death touches everything and everyone gently and in silence…

                                                          Image Source/Credit: Pinterest




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