

I am disappearing a bit each day into the mist,

that descends from the heaven, my limbs are,

holding roots in the ground, burying a bit each night,

into a tomb that hasn’t been carved yet,

my name is still missing from above it, yet I am growing

an inch shorter every night, an inch higher at the skies,

the pull is strong towards both, no one notices,

it’s a world full of running humans,

I am hiding inside the walls now, the place feels warm,

phobias, fears, demons, age, everything visits me,

often, but the walls don’t speak, they hear,

the quiet I like, I have tasted loneliness, it's like a,

pinch of salt melting slowly over the tongue,

just when you breathe the staleness of an empty space,

vertigo hits hard, the thoughts then get jumbled,

with each other, keys are forgotten, clothes are befouled,

closets die more, beds are soaked, glasses never found,

but the sun shines and seeps from the ears,

few more miles and it will be over before I wake up,

on a bed and a room that opens to another wall,

death will be a friend all along, who said it was an enemy,

houses have it in them, the houses of our souls,

like a shadow it stays, disappearing becomes easier then,

for it holds hand and walks along to another room.

Poem by Monalisa Joshi

                                                          Image Source: Pinterest 





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