Marijuana Life

There was some dust of life,
I found in the shallow abyss,
Handful of dust I filled in the bottle,
Brought some home to lie there,
In some void corner where no one,
Noticed, I had my life bottled,

Shook, a bottle full of dust,
Many emotions and feelings in that,
Shook along, then settled,
I fell, I rose, I cried, I laughed,
Again it was kept to lie,
 In a corner, where someone,
Noticed, I had my life bottled,

The dust had become I,
With time I aged and merged,
In water and sea, in streams of glee,
The surface was not the place,
I went deep and deeper,
Where no longer it affects,

The ripples do not touch me,
I feel glad that I am the dust,
I am it and it me,
I don’t bleed anymore, I have no color,
I have my life settled,
Where everyone noticed,

I have my life bottled,
With Marijuana, all smoke of reverie............................................................

*Monalisa Joshi*


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