One fistful of Glee

In the mediocre of that unspoken space,
Where she exist, there are many faces,
In the mirror, but she saw herself as one,
And in everyone, she sold her soul,
Sold her conscience, was it all worth the game?

In those red bangles in her hand,
Even the might of the sun was caged,
They turned red reflecting through,
The cool glass bangles settled on her hands till,
She was lost in the crowd of so many,

Serious and calm faces, she wondered,
They all looked same, she found herself,
In the giggles of young girls, in the newly married,
Brides’ smile, in the mute words of mid life,
And in the calmness of those wrinkles,
She found the story in all of them, she found it same,

She kept shouting in the crowd of def, blind world
Shed off those clothes of pride, shed off that fake smile,
For once let your naked soul be revealed,
See me, see me am I the same you saw me?
Feel me, feel me am I the same you know me?
Not what I was, I already sold my soul,

She did it long back; like them like many,
Murdered but not dead, beaten but not shaken,
They all know the path to their happiness,
And now does she, she knows what it takes,
To get one fistful of love,
To get one fistful of glee....................................................................

*Monalisa Joshi*


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