Nights of Romance
Arms across my body, a whisper in my ears,
Noises in the air, and the words disappeared,
The fog making it blurred, that face not visible,
A male figurine behind the smoke, presumed I,
The closer went I, the shadow appeared lost,
The distance didn’t seemed to finish this time,
Something pulled my body, strongly towards,
My heart longing to see the face, someone known,
Long known from my past, I dared go ahead,
Couldn’t with feet jammed, my whole body tied,
I felt he stood there somewhere, gazing me helpless,
Choking, struggling, I wanted to give up,
When someone lifted my whole body,
Way up high, I felt I could fly that moment,
I touched the sky, the night touching mine,
Penetrating within me, I stood only skin,
Beautiful! I saw my soul,
Beautiful! I saw his soul,
Ah! I saw him for the first, not a stranger,
His arms inviting, I ran wild to get that warmth,
It felt much known, that touch, that breath,
He made love to me, my whole body swirling,
Like a doll in his arms, I wanted to be there,
Forever! Desiring, hoping that night to freeze,
He slowly whispered in me, words clear,
It was time to wake up! A slight throw,
On the bed, my eyes opened to see the darkness,
That still wrapped the room, my heart broke,
Into pieces, I realized again I was so alone,
My hands touching that hollow side of bed,
When I knew I had him, now it’s just memories,
Of him, that comes knocking into my dreams,
Night after night, sadly the days are passing by,
I miss those nights of romance, those nights,
Of passionate love making, which are lost in time,
Somewhere in this alley, I oft stay awake,
Trying to find those missing pieces of nights,
Trying to find those nights filled with our
*Monalisa Joshi*
Copyright @ all rights reserved
15 May 2015
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