Paradise Waiting

In the mirage of a dreamy world,
I saw a wanderer with thirst of love,
He walked and walked miles,
To reach his beloved the abode in dark,
That stands silently beneath the starry sky,
The smoke from the chimney rising,

Grabbed his eye from afar, bare feet,
He walks upon earth, thorns, stones,
Pricking, nothing stops him tonight,
His queen is waiting in her poor hut,
With torn sheets and  kaput roof,
The smoke rising from water cooking,

In the pot,  the signal she sends tonight,
He comes meddling the woods and night,
Crossing low rivers, pebbles and mud,
Hastily stepping the barriers of world,
His heart longs to be one and,
To make love, sink into her depth,

And he reaches falling , trodding,
Meadows and dungs, dust covers,
The clothes and his strong male body,
Unstoppable and careless he stands bare,
She is into him and he is into her,
Desires slowly unfolding of love,of lust,

Tonight is their last, by dawn they will
Be gone forever, leaving behind memories,
Of bodily love, of passion, the world is,
Not the place to be, their love is beyond,
The man made walls and derelicts,
Pure love in their hearts, will not die,

For them the gates are open, paradise is waiting,
For them the gates have opened, paradise is waiting............................................................

*Monalisa Joshi*


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