Sweet Conspirer

The word traveled on the orifice,
Of sinuous gust, and was taken,
Far across the maze of clouds,
To the heaven and spoken,
In hushed words, to their ears,
The golden robed, and roared he,
With a thunder, his words,
Became the lightening,
The gust dreaded but smiled,
Aghast! Exiled from the gates,
Fell the gust upon earth,
And whispered in the ears of,
Twain earthly lovers lost,
In their slumber of mayhem,
With tears dried on the sides,
A forbidden truth revealed,
For rescuing that fallen love,
Whose pieces were lying tattered!
On the floor of their hearts,
They had decreed the command,
The bond is forever and beyond,
Which thine souls have signed,
Before the human avatar,
And so shall it be fulfilled,
The gust told all, and fled from,
The casement, filling their,
Hearth and their hearts,
With the golden truth,
And no sooner they rose from,
The divan, gathered all the,
Pieces of their kaput hearts,
The sweet conspirer watched,
And smiled seeing the love,
Of two souls reviving,
Covered long in the dust of ego...

*Monalisa Joshi*


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