Forever Lost
Oh! My beloved do not bereave me,
For I would not find the way home,
The paths are dark and alley so wet,
What if I slip and tumble way far,
I would be a lost cloud then with gust,
Flirting and throwing me to places,
Never have I seen, do not turn away,
And abandon my heart, what if I,
Am blown far off, with swag of wind,
I would be mislaid then, who will?
Hold my hand and take me home,
Who will find me amid the crowd like
In the mirror of my heart reside thy,
Image, and the stories of our making
Inked in my nerves and blood,
The warmth of thy manhood still dwells,
In my soul, on my naked body,
And essence thine on my skin,
I keep gazing with fear, when left,
All by myself in the vast horde,
Of faces unknown as they watch in awe,
My perspiring face pale as bloodless,
And only my eyes keep searching for,
Thy sight, what if you forgot that,
Someone waited for you still there,
In the hallway, and then I would be,
Lost, and taken away so far, tis my fear,
Of being lost forever makes me cling
Want you more, even love you more,
Tis, deep fear, thy senses would ever
would be lost and gone forever,
Someday before, you would think of losing
Words By: Monalisa Joshi
Photo Credit: Unknown
Beautiful Monalisa. Truly beautiful! Thank you.