Cage of Love

I was the prisoner of your love;
 I was the prisoner of my wall,
Caged long inside the space,
Shared we under one roof,
Time was fading away fast,
 Stole myriad moments of glee,
I looked at my skin, it was tight,
I gazed my face on the mirror,
It spoke of my inside fight,
I had lost my glow, the light,
You cared less, and I dared less,
One day seemed like years passed,
In aloof I sat, and in silence I cried,
My tears hidden and lips never smiled,
I knew never what you felt!
But only hatred I smelt,
Once love, and once loathsome,
Concealed gestures of face handsome,
I realized hating you was hard,
More than loving and I looked at sky,
With hope in eyes, and before the,
Ocean of dismay, pulled me beneath,
I chose to live forever in the sheath,
Like a cocoon and someday I will fly,
My truth is undeniable, not a jargon,
I am living in a cage, only now I have,
Filled it with love, your love chains me,
Your hatred drains me, a blind contract,
Perhaps made before even we were born,
But I am at peace now living alongside,
In the cage of love, a prisoner of life,
Of you as my beloved!
Of you as my soul mate!

*Monalisa Joshi*


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